
the real MC

so, im not sure how many people are familiar with MC chris, but im hoping its a fair few. having recently found his music, i have to say... the dude is awesome. not only is he an uber nerd like myself, but he's funny as shit. hopefully i'm going to see him this november in charlottesville. if you havent heard of him, check it out: www.myspace.com/mcchris


Previously, my favorite video games have been soulcalibur 2 and lego starwars. Now i need to fit zelda ocarina of time in there.



well. its my birthday. i'm nineteen. one more year of being a teeeenager haha. frankly, im stoked to be out of the teens because people just assume things. plus, i dont look my age anyways so maybe instead of assuming i'm 16 people will assume im at least 18. but oh well.

the only present i've so far received is a dungeons and dragons starter kit, which i dont really need but its cool as fuck. its got little pieces for monsters and a breakaway map. plus more freakin dice haha. anyways, sitting at home playing zelda til people get off work and then hopefully some shenanigans will begin. :)