

i have absolutely no idea what to write about.

well. lets see. today was cool. today has been great actually. it started off on a rather odd foot seeing as i slept for a mere 3 hours in a cramped armchair at taylors. not so comfy, but at least it was warm for once over there. anyways, i got up early and went to my moms to take a shower since taylor does not possess a hair dryer; god knows why, and i was not about to drive to school with wet hair with the threat of snow hanging over my (wet) head. i managed to get coffee at wawa and make it to school only four minutes after nine, even though i had to wait a good five minutes for the hazelnut coffee to brew. the lady who works there was eying me funny, but no matter.
i got to school and got into my wearable art get-up and felt silly. i presented my project and everyone seemed to like it, to my immense surprise. as soon as possible i removed myself from the duct tape fabric contraption i had on and said my goodbyes to my classmates. from there i went to target to attempt to finish getting gifts for everyone on my list, which i failed miserably at due to the severe lack of funds. i hopped next door to ukrops for a giant salad which i thoroughly enjoyed, aside from it getting stuck in my braces a lot. while there, i made plans with my best friend to meet up at barnes and noble for some awesome discussion and general awkwardness on both our parts. the traffic was horrendous, and it took me nearly fifteen minutes to go from one side of midlothian turnpike to the other.
once there, we wandered the bookshelves like lost children and commented on our surroundings. i acquired new stickers for my phone; an R2-D2 and anakin's speeder. we walked aimlessly to one end of the mall before deciding to go to the book exchange, one of my second homes. much good talk was had on the subject of favorite authors and such. after this, we ventured to the fresh market and sampled their coffee, hot chocolate and cider. i mentioned that i was going to a party that evening, and that he should come along. bestfriend really really really wanted to go, but he thinks he's too awkward and was afraid of messing things up, which is a completely irrational thing to be afraid of, considering how awesome bestfriend is. nevertheless, i wasnt going to force anything, so we parted ways. once home i found out that my aunts flight had been canceled and that my grandmother was pretty upset about this. not only that, but it had begun to snow while i cleaned the bathroom, and i was nervous to be out on snowy streets late at night, especially with the increased insanity of holiday shoppers.
thus, i decided to stay home and be cozy with hot chocolate, pj's, and more good conversation with the best friend. =)
... ive run out of stuff to talk about now, seeing as the best friend has now gone offline. i will say though, that this best friend is SUPERCOOL.

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